Introducing - Moonstruck Style Corner

I love fashion. It activates my creative juice and gives me the strength to push my imagination and create something unique.

That’s why I have decided to start a blog called the Moonstruck Style Corner.

Every week, my team of fashion spies and I will hunt for fashion trends, jewellery trends, beauty tips and much more, and bring it to you in the form of quick tips and style blogs.

The purpose is pretty simple, to make a community of women who live and love fashion.

Now, that you have seen this blog, let me formally welcome you to the community :).

We hope you will find our tips and blogs useful.

You can also contribute to us with your ideas and tips by emailing us at, after all, don’t they say - sharing is caring ;-)

Let’s make our world a beautiful, stylish, and moonstruckingly dazzling place to live in :).

Your pal,



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